Averis New Shareholder of Breeders Trust

    November 18, 2024 – Brussels/Veendam: The breeding company Averis in Veendam has joined Breeders Trust as a shareholder. Breeders Trust supports participating companies in the enforcement and compliance of breeders’ rights and contract conditions. The organization educates the international potato sector about the risks of using uncertified seed potatoes and informs them about[…]

13 organizations sign historic agreement to fight illegal seed practices

Rotterdam, the Netherlands — The International Seed Federation (ISF) joined forces with 12 organizations representing and defending the interests of plant breeders worldwide to collaborate in the fight against illegal seed practices (ISP) through a historic memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed today at the ISF World Seed Congress 2024. The organizations participating are ISF, the African[…]

Corné van Beers new director of Breeders Trust

Brussels, 22 December 2023 As of 1 January 2024, Corné van Beers (53) will be appointed as General Director of Breeders Trust Ltd company located in Brussels. Corné succeeds Geert Staring, who has reached his retirement age. Breeders Trust was founded in 2008 and currently consists of 12 leading European seed potato breeding companies. Since[…]

BREEDERS TRUST expanded with new German member

Brussels, November 16th 2023: the German seed company P.H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH recently joined the Brussels-based Breeders Trust at the autumn meeting. It was recently held on Malta, where the members agreement was signed. Matz Petersen, general director of the German P.H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard GmbH states: ‘I am proud of becoming a member[…]

Fraudulent Polish Grass Seed placed on EU market

Brussels, December 6th 2022: The Brussels-based Breeders Trust represents the interests of plant breeders rights of the most prominent Western European grass seeds breeding and trading companies. Breeders Trust states that in recent years they repeatedly came to the conclusion that certified seed of one of the biggest selling perennial ryegrass varieties, namely Bokser, in[…]

Video interview Breeders Trust by European Seed

On October 12, 2019, Geert Staring, general director of Breeders was interviewed by  ‘European Seed’: European Seed is the premier issues forum for seed industry leaders. In an recently held interview with Marcel Bruins (editorial director) in Stockholm, Geert Staring explains where Breeders Trust stands for and how he looks at illegalities, infringement and enforcement[…]

Vandinter Semo new member of BREEDERS TRUST

Scheemda – Brussels, July 4 2019: Vandinter Semo in Scheemda has joined the Brussels-based Breeders Trust as an associate grass seed member as of July 1 2019. Vandinter Semo is specialised in the production and worldwide trade of mainly grass, mustard and fodder radish seeds and fully endorses the importance of fair production and trade[…]


Biddinghuizen – Brussels Mai 24 2019: In order to continue growing its ambitious, internationally-oriented breeding program responsibly, the family-run company SCHAAP HOLLAND B.V. in Biddinghuizen, acquired 5% of the Brussels-based Breeders Trust shares earlier this week. Breeders Trust was founded in 2008 to monitor the enforcement of Plant Breeders’ Rights. Every year, millions of euros[…]

Che ruolo hanno i semi autoprodotti in azienda nella coltivazione della patata?

Geert Staring, Direttore Generale di Breeders Trust, spiega quali sono il background e il perché della normativa europea per la regolamentazione dei “semi autoprodotti in azienda” o“semi aziendali” di patata (Farm Saved Seed), che deve essere tenuta ben presente da ogni agrcoltore itliano che all’interno della propria azienda agricola intenda riutilizzare il seme autoriprodotto di[…]

Breeders Trust scopre una frode internazionale nella certificazione delle sementi di graminacee foraggere

Bruxelles – 2 dicembre 2014. L’Autorità portoghese per la sicurezza alimentare ASAE, dopo un’accurata indagine condotta da Breeders Trust che ha sede in Belgio, ha sequestrato 21.000 chilogrammi di sementi di graminacee foraggere recanti cartellini ufficiali polacchi contraffatti. La frode riguarda almeno 3 varietà di loietto italico commercializzate in diversi paesi, Portogallo e Francia compresi.[…]