Vandel Potatoes I/S wins appeal infringement case against Knud Kristensen ApS

Brussels, December 10 2015: In September, Breeders Trust’ shareholder Danespo, through its Breeding company “Vandel Potatoes” located at Give (Denmark), in Appeal has achieved a major victory in a lengthy lawsuit against the Danish potato trader Knud Kristensen ApS, led by UNIPATATAS major shareholder Jens Kristensen. The dispute dates back to 2010 when the firm[…]

Breeders Trust interviewed for the international magazine Europeanseed

In the October 2015 edition of the leading international agricultural seed magazine “Europeanseed” Breeders Trust has been interviewed about its approach to international infringement and illegalities in the potato and grass seed business. Click here to read the whole interview. More articles in the magazine Europeanseed you’ll find on: